Karnataka has been facing an agrarian crisis. Seventy-five percent of people directly or indirectly depending upon agriculture. As many as 3515 farmers committed suicide during the year of 2015-2018.Out of which 2125 farmers committed suicide due to the drought and crop failure, Karnataka state agriculture department report said.
Mahantesh, Son of Balla allwanwar said,” “ My father committed suicide. We have four acres of land . My father took a loan Of Rs. 4 lakh-Rs 5 lakh from the Canara Bank. He invested in crops like Jawor, Maize, and cotton but due to the drought we lost our entire crop. My father committed suicide because he could not repay the debt.
According to the data provided by the agriculture department of saundatti, around 57 farmers committed suicide as they were unable to repay their loans.Their families are still struggling for their livelihood despite receiving compensation of Rs.5 lakh from the government.
Dr. T.N.Prakash, chairman of the Karnataka Price commission said, “Karnataka now facing an agrarian crisis. farmers are committed suicide due to debt and crop loss.
In August 2018, 88.6 % of the area in Karnataka declared drought-hit area. Out of 176 talukas,156 talukas declared as drought hit the area. Ninty five talukas are severely hit while the remaining 61 are moderately hit. The state recorded a deficit of -49% rainfall in the northeast monsoon. Sowing did not take place in about seven lakh hectares during the Kharif season TN.Prakash, chairman of the Karnataka Price commission said, “Karnataka now facing an agrarian crisis. farmers are committed suicide due to debt and crop loss.
In August 2018, 88.6 % of the area in Karnataka declared drought-hit area. Out of 176 talukas,156 talukas declared as drought hit the area. Ninty five talukas are severely hit while the remaining 61 are moderately hit. The state recorded a deficit of -49% rainfall in the northeast monsoon. Sowing did not take place in about seven lakh hectares during the Kharif season.
In August, saundatti taluka declared as drought affected area for the sixth time. Around 90 percent of the population in saundatti taluka is depended on agriculture.
Abdul Shaikh said,” “I lost my entire crop due to the drought. last year, I faced a loss of 10,000 rupees. For survival, I had to take a loan from a rich farmer.”
Around 90 percent of the area of northern Karnataka has affected by the drought. The total loss estimated in rabbi season is approximately 11,350 crore during rabbi season reported by the Karnataka agriculture department. Sugarcane farmers are in the top list followed by the cotton farmers in suicide.
Shadab Shekh a cotton farmer said, ” I have a four acres of land. I saw cotton in two acres of land but the entire crop has lost. The state declared 6000 rupees minimum support price but we are getting only 4000-4500 rupees.”
Dr.T.N Prakash, Chairman of the price agricultural commission said, ” Cotton also enjoys the Minimum support price and the procurement.The reason behind the cotton farming suicide is they are not getting a proper minimum support price and the least support of the government.
Malhaprabha is a big dam in Saundatti but due to the shortrainfall, The level of water is reducing day by day
Sixty percent of water is used for the drinking and thirty percent water allotted for only agriculture.
According to the Karnataka state disaster management, there are approximately 13 big dams across the state. Reserviour status state that reservoirs have less than 50 percent water.
Sugarcane farmers are top in the list of suicide.Sugarcane is the main crop in Karnataka. In saundatti taluka, sugarcane covers 15,500 acres of land, sugarcane requires a huge amount of water. Sugarcane farmers are still struggling to get minimum support price.
According to the Farmers portal government report 45-55% sugarcane produced from Tropical region which includes Maharashtra, Karnataka and southern part of India. Farmers Portal of government report states that there is a reduction in yield of crop due to climate change and drought. The report also states that sugarcane farmers are changing their crop pattern.Belgavi, Mandya, Balgacoat, and Mandya are four major districts of sugarcane grower.
Twenty-five percent of farmers are committed suicide just only from these four districts. There are 589 sugarcane farmers are committed suicide in these four districts.
Srnivasan, A sugarcane farmer said, ” We are facing loss due to the climate change and shortage of water.
Sugarcane factories are not providing the exact bill of the sugarcane and we are not getting the exact price.”
Dr.T.N Prakash said, ” There is separate act , Minimum support price and the government support but still sugarcane farmers are committed suicide because they are not getting the proper minimum support price.
Sugarcane factories are not providing the exact money/Bill to the farmers on time.
Mr. Shivappa Kuri, an agricultural officer of the saundatti said, Government is providing the compensation to the victims family and the government is implementing schemes like Krushi Bhagya Scheme to overcome the drought crisis.
Dr.T.N Prakash Chairman of the agricultural price commission said,” There is a huge social burden on farmers. To get out from this it is required to provide a minimum support price and enhance the production and the predictability of the price. Government should provide the support price to the farmers and the maintain a stability
Government should provide a other social security income and to provide a irrigation method and other alternative sources.Enhance the predictability of the income.government should support the farmers through various way to come out of from this utter hopelessness situation.