The Schools in the city are still conducting exams even with the scare of corona virus spreading in the city.
By Arti Peethambaran
Bengaluru: With Coronavirus scare spreading across Bangalore, schools in the city are undertaking measures to prevent the infection from spreading. Despite the Coronavirus outbreak in the city, schools are planning to conduct exams.
“The school has taken precautions according to the Government order. We have already uploaded the instructions in the school app. We have sent the circular to the parents and advised them to stop panicking and take needful precautions. We have also asked students to wear a mask who are ill. We do not want children to miss the exams only because they are slightly ill”, says Father Sunil Fernandez, Principal, St. Joseph High school.
The teachers say that they are keeping a close eye on the children, not only for COVID-19, but any illness like sore throat, cough or fever. “As soon as the government tells us what to do, we will do it. We have directors from the WHO explaining about it. We have explained how hands should be washed and what the other precautions to be taken are. Everything that can be done through schools for parents and students, we are doing”, said Gowri Achanta, a teacher.
All schools are following the order from the government to terminate classes from class UKG to class 5. “Health is important but so are our exams. And we do not know how long this Coronavirus is going to be there, so it is better if we finish our exams faster and then can begin with our holidays”, said Achintya, a student.