The students are set to write the SSLC exam starting tomorrow causing anxiety to students and parents. The Karnataka Secondary Examination Board (KSEEB) has announced that the exam starts from tomorrow and will last until April 5th. The candidates that are sitting for the exam include 70,000 repeaters and 23,000 private candidates. Athreya Hebbar, a student at New Horizon School says “ We have been preparing for exams since months. We always are under pressure, but this time it is worse because of boards. “
Parshwa, another student from The Sindhi High School says, “Even schools are providing us proper examination guidance and we have written four preparatory tests and so we are almost prepared.” Parents also say that this can be a turning point in the children’s lives and so they cannot help but be anxious.
Jagdish Hebbar, a concerned parent says “My son is writing his board exam, as concerned parents, we are also scared since we have no idea how he will fare.” Ms Nirumpa, the director of Karnataka Education State Board Examination says, “The exams are starting tomorrow and so from 7 in the morning we have already received 93 calls. We mostly get 113-115 calls every day. The students call us for doubts that they have exams, and also admit cards. We also get calls for counselling because the students are dealing with a lot of pressure. So, in that case, we forward our calls to the personnel.”
The terror of exams continues causing anxiousness amongst parents and students since the first day of the exam starts tomorrow.