Kengeri police arrested seven people on Monday afternoon for wheelie-ing on Nice road. They were booked under IPC section 279 and 189
By Anushka Sharma
Bengaluru: Wheelie is a trick or manoeuvre whereby a bicycle or motorcycle is ridden for a short distance with the front wheel raised off the ground, according to Oxford Dictionary. While there are no specific laws making wheelieing on Indian streets an illegal activity, however Section 189 states ‘Whoever without the written consent of the state government permits or takes part in a race or trial of speed of any kind between motor vehicles in any public place shall be punishable with imprisonment’.
Shivaiiya, the Head Constable of Kengeri Police Station said, “We have filed a case against all the 7 people. Their vehicles have been seized and licenses have been sent to RTO office for suspension. After the court procedure, they will be released along with their vehicles and licenses.”
V. Ramesh, Professor of Civil Department, RR College said, “This has become a trend among youngster to do such activities. They enjoy doing this. Although Police have arrested them, once they get released, there is no guarantee they will not do such activities again. The main thing we can do is to educate the people and create awareness among the youths for traffic rules and actions against violating the rules.”
After the accused pays the court fine, their licenses will be released along with their vehicles.